Online Lecture: Documentary Filmmaking By Ahmer Khan

Program : Online Lecture on Documentary Filmmaking

By Ahmer Khan

Ahmer Khan is a multi-award winning & two-time Emmy-nominated independent multimedia journalist from Kashmir with a focus on South Asia. He covers the region’s political and social conflict, humanitarian crises, human rights, religion, and migration. He has reported from India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, for media outlets including The Guardian, Vice News, The New York Times, Al Jazeera, RFI, CNN and more.

Event Details:

Online Lecture on Documentary Filmmaking
Speaker: Ahmer Khan
Date: August 22, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM (IST)
Platform: Zoom

Join us for an insightful online lecture on the art and craft of documentary filmmaking, led by the senior journalist Ahmer Khan.

Key Topics:

The Evolution of Documentary Filmmaking: Understanding the historical development and current trends in the genre.

Crafting a Compelling Narrative: Techniques for structuring a documentary to maintain viewer interest and convey a powerful message.

Research and Pre-Production: How to conduct thorough research and plan effectively before filming begins.

Shooting Techniques: Best practices for capturing high-quality footage, including camera angles, lighting, and sound.

Conducting Effective Interviews: Strategies for preparing questions, engaging interviewees, and extracting meaningful responses.

Ethical Considerations: The ethical dilemmas that arise in documentary filmmaking, including consent and representation.

Editing and Post-Production: Methods for organizing footage, creating a cohesive story, and using editing software to enhance the final product.

Case Studies: Analysis of successful documentaries to understand what worked and how you can apply similar strategies to your own projects.

These topics will provide a comprehensive overview of the documentary filmmaking process and equip you with practical knowledge to apply in your own work.

How to Attend:
To participate in the lecture, please register via the following link: Register:

For any questions or additional details, contact us at [email protected] Mobile +91 9555570299.
